November 2, 2011

Another interesting game

I thought about another interesting game. I like to play RPG or action based game, so I usually speak about that. It's about suikoden again. but I want to talk about Suikoden 1, where the main character is Tir Mcdohl. The gameplay is quite the same with the suikoden 2, but the weakness is we can only use 1 rune for each person and we can't run! If you want to run, you must equip Holy rune. that's so annoying because that Holy rune only used for run. In suikoden 1, the difficulty is quite easy. especially when we got a battle map. Unlike Suikoden 2, in here is very easy. If you got the right choice, victory will be yours. and there's also ability each person can use such as ninjas and thieves. that's very useful. The 108 stars character are harder to recruit in suikoden 1, especially Crowley. He's very hard to find, since the road is very hidden. The story itself is very interesting. I would recommend you all to play this. well, have good day and a good play!
Thank you for reading!

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